Seven’s Shrug

So, as you know, I don’t usually go for trying to create clothes that need to ‘fit’ – shawls can be as big or as small as you want them to be and so gauge and sizing really don’t matter too much.  However, Sam contacted me as asked if I would consider writing a shrug pattern for one of her yarn boxes, and I decided that I would have a go and see if I could come up with something that I liked.  Used a skein of ‘euphoria’ which I still had left over from when I did the show and started to develop what has turned into this shrug. Apologies for the terrible pictures – I didn’t have anyone to model it for me!

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It is called the Sevens Shrug because the body and the border is worked in sets of seven rows or seven stitches. I wanted something pretty but not too frilly and I am quite pleased with the result.  The gauge and sizing issue has been tackled directly because the pattern is sized individually based on the crocheter’s measurements and their own starting chain.  And it is a pretty quick make too.  It can be made in a day or a couple of evenings (less if you are making one for a child / small person).  The design is simple, as most shrug patterns are, and it would look pretty special in a graduated yarn I think.  I hope you like it!

British Summer Time…

This week has been switching between beautiful blue skies and sudden and torrential rain.  Usually within 10 minutes of each other.  This is challenging when you have a small who just want to go to the local park.  In fact, I have just resorted to buying her a waterproof onesie so that the rain can’t interrupt play anymore!  But you can tell she is starting to feel the cold when in the middle of August she starts to pick through my DK stash to identify the yarns she wants to go in her new blanket.  Lots of different shades of grey with the occasional flash of colour.  I think she has an eye for it, if I am honest.

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And I really, really haven’t forgotten that I need to do the last 2 parts of the Granny Blanket pattern.  I have the squares and I think I will pick those up and get cracking on those again next week so that I can finish the instructions for the complete blanket.

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I really love that pattern.  The first one was made in Ice yarn and its soft and cosy, but acrylic, and I noticed the other day that there is a honking great error (which you have to look closely to spot) in one place.  It has taken me a long time to notice it, and it won’t stop me using it, but its annoying me.  So I really want to finish my current incarnation of it, which is being worked up in hand-dyed merino yarn and which I intend to bury myself under as soon as its made.  Its a good hibernation blanket that one, and mercifully  it is quick to make.

Small person has asked for a square-based blanket but I am keen to try out a stripey blanket based on V stitch, as I saw one the other day made from scraps and it was just beautiful.  So I will have a little play with that and, of course, I will document it on here in case you fancy making something similar.

Blankets were the thing that got me into crochet in the first place.  It was my (still unrealised) desire to make a 1970’s style granny blanket that made me keep trying to fathom crochet out.  I have made one for my Mum  (shown below) and another for my daughter (pattern is the Attic 24 Cosy blanket, for those who fancy one of their own).


I have been pleased by how much she seems to enjoy it – it is a night time ‘wave’ when I tuck her in, a play mat, and a poorly blanket.  It is something she can’t outgrow and will always have for as long as she wants it.  And when she doesn’t want it any more, it will be a cherished momento of her childhood for me, as I sit and dribble into my cocoa, and wonder where the time went…Probably still watching the rain run down the window!


Disorientation and the Ocean’s Edge

Today is a very strange day.  I have a day off work, but the small is occupied elsewhere for the whole day.  I am not entirely sure what to do with myself.  I think my options are:

  1. run naked around the house, swearing vigorously (because I can, right?)
  2. clean the house (because it needs it)
  3. attempt to scythe the back garden into semi normality (there is a limit to how far my love of blackberries will allow me to ignore the brambles that are galloping through the bottom half of my garden)
  4. knit / crochet all day long
  5. write a blog post

I have decided against (1) as its too cold today.  I have done some mild tidying up.  Its been raining and so the garden option is a bit more problematic than it should be.  So I think I am going for a mixture of (4) and (5), with possibly some pattern writing thrown in for good measure.

So to the blog – I can now reveal my latest shawl pattern, which is called the Ocean’s Edge Shawl.  I like shawls that are quick to make.  I also like ones where there is an incremental change in the texture or lacework of the shawl.  In this one I was a bit inspired by a trip to the Scottish coastline earlier in the year.  The water washed up on the small beach we were at and as it receded you saw how the water revealed things on the beach and the foam created patterns.  So this pattern is written in sections, starting with the water and ending on the shells washed on the beach.


It is such a quick pattern to make that one of the shawl clubbers has already finished hers, and so it is with thanks to Joanne that I have this picture above.  My own attempts to photograph it were terrible (I don’t really know my new work colleagues well enough yet to get them to model for me), so I am very grateful to have this picture which shows the transitions of the shawl so nicely.  It doesn’t show off the pretty, pretty sea-inspired yarn that Sam dyed for it, but I have so say that it does suit a turquoise yarn.

So I am not sure what to do next.  I might make a brew, put Judy Judge on (I don’t know why, but she is my current daytime TV addiction), and see if I can finish the last sock in my current binge.  I will do a bit more tidying I think, but that might just be in my yarn room, where I have a lot of caking to do and I might have to re-organise my yarn storage at its getting out of hand.  And then I have a jacket to start to make. A friend asked me aged ago to make her a crocheted cardigan thing and even sent me the yarn but I haven’t really got stuck into it yet.  Today may be the day.  Too much time, not enough decisiveness!

Travels with my yarn

Hello!  Yes, back again after a much longer break than I had planned.  Since I last blogged I had to go to Canada for a work trip (Nova Scotia, just beautiful).  Now this was to attend a Big Grown Up Conference Full of Important People.  Fortunately, they are also rather nice and lovely.  Most importantly, the outgoing president of the society organising the conference has recently taken up spinning and weaving.  She is a good friend and utterly spoiled me by gifting me these four beautiful skeins of yarn that she had spun.


Spinning fascinates me – I would love to learn how to do it but I am a bit scared on two counts:

  1. I will be rubbish at it and this will break my heart
  2. I will be good at it, I will enjoy it, and develop a new fibre-related addiction

Secretly I have a hankering after a beautiful wooden spinning wheel but at the moment I am going to resist.

I had promised myself a drop spindle to play with when I went to Fibre East at the end of July.  However, I made a bit of a boo boo.  This year we have been a bit restricted re when we could get away as a family and after much nagging we finally agreed a week we could both do and a location and we booked it quickly as the date was only two weeks away.  After we had booked I realised it clashed with the long planned trip to Fibre East with two friends.  I have to confess to being more than a little bit gutted at this point.  I love that show and this year there were dyers I really wanted to meet, and whose yarns I was keen to see close up.  I had set aside a little budget for a yarn splurge.  And so it was I found myself on Etsy in the car on the drive to Cornwall, picking some very pretty yarns to compensate myself.  One purchase was waiting for me when I got back home. The beauties pictured below are by All Wool That Ends Wool – she dyed for my first show and the intensity of colour she achieves in her yarn is very impressive.  Anyway, I love these colourways and even though I have enough sock yarn to last me a couple of years (!) I succumbed.  I’m not even sorry.  I mean, just look at them.  The fact that they barely fit in my box of sock yarn is not something I am going to dwell on….


The last minute nature of the holiday also saw me sitting up the night before we left madly caking yarn ready for some holiday knitting.  At the Canadian conference I promised two of my former colleagues and another friend there that I would knit them socks, as none of them had ever experienced the sheer delight of having a warm bath and then popping handmade sock on your toes when your feet are tired.  There is nothing quite like it.  So I managed to get two sets of socks made while I was away, between trips to the beach, Tintagel, Eden Project and other pretty wonderful places.  The third set of socks is on the needles now.  As ever, I want to keep all the socks, but this time I really do want to keep these – the first ones are on Electric Boogaloo yarn by Lollipop Guild Yarns, and the second is on Jimi by Jo.Knit.Sew.  Jimi is a yarn I had in my stash for a long time, and as it has a little bit of sparkle in it.  They twinkle in the light and are so pretty in real life.

This week I am attempting to work from home with my small, which means logging into work email after she has gone to bed and pretty much working nocturnally.  Said small has agreed to go to bed an hour earlier than normal so that I am not completely tired by the time I start the night shift.  We will see how this works out, but she seems very committed to it at this point!  What I have been able to do, however, it get the signup form for my very first (and currently one-off) yarn box, nicknamed the Brain Box (well, why not?).  I am very, very excited by this as it gives me the excuse to commission some new yarn from my favourite indie dyers plus also go shopping for brain-related extras.  I am really pleased with some of the ones I have sourced.  If you would like to sign up, the link to the form is here.

I am hoping to pick up the pace with the blogging this month if I can so watch this space!